Working Papers and Selected Work in Progress
- The role of farm subsidies in changing India’s water footprint (with Chatterjee, S. and Lamba, R. ), 2024, Nature Communications
- Thirsty Business : A Global Analysis of Extreme Weather Shocks on Firms (with Gatti, R., Islam, A., Maue, C.), 2024, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 10923
- Groundwater-dependent ecosystem map exposes global dryland protection needs (with Rohde, M., Albano, C., Huggins, X., Klausmeyer, K., Morton, C., Sharman, A., Saito, L., Freed, Z., Howard, J., Job, N., Richter, H., Toderich, K., Rodella, A.S., Gleeson, T., Huntington, J., Chandanpurkar, H., Purdy, A., Famiglietti, J., Singer, M.B., Roberts, D.A., Caylor, K., Stella, J.C. ), 2024, Nature
- Spatial downscaling of GRACE-derived groundwater storage changes across diverse climates and human interventions with Random Forests (with Wang, Y., Li, C., Cui, Y., Cui, Y., Xu, Y., Hora, T., Rodella, A.S., Bai, L., Long, D.), 2024, Journal of Hydrology
- Risks from solar-powered groundwater irrigation (with Balasubramanya, S., Garrick, D., Brozovic, N., Ringler, C., Rodella, A.S., Buisson, M.C., Schmitter, P., Durga, N., Kishore, A., Minh, T.T., Kafle, K, Stifel, D., Balasubramanya, S., Chandra, A., Hope, L.), 2024, Policy Forum, Science
- Droughts and Deficits - Summary Evidence of the Global Impact on Economic Growth (with Damania, R. and Engle, N.), 2023, Water Global Practice Working Paper, The World Bank Group, Washington D.C.
Related media: Immersive story; interview on World Bank Expert Answers; featured in the World Bank's Climate Explainer Series - Droughts and Deficits: The Global Impact of Droughts on Economic Growth (with Damania, R. and Engle, N.), 2023, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper
- Is natural capital a complement to human capital? Evidence from 46 countries (with Damania, R., Herrera, D., Kim, H., Viotti, L., Onder, S., Pantoja, C.), 2023, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper
- Hidden toxins: The effects of water quality on pregnancy and infant health (with Damania, R.), 2023, BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- The Hidden Wealth of Nations: Economics of Groundwater in Times of Climate Change (with Rodella, A.S., Bertone, F.), 2023, Flagship report, The World Bank Group, Washington D.C.
- Detox Development: Repurposing Environmentally Harmful Subsidies (with Damania, R., Balseca, E., de Fontaubert, C., Gill, J., Kim, K., Rentschler, J., Russ, J.), 2023, Flagship report, The World Bank Group, Washington D.C.
- Fit for (re)Purpose? A New Look at the Spatial Distribution of Agricultural Subsidies (with Ebadi, E., Russ, J.), 2023, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper
- Nature's Frontiers: Achieving Sustainability, Efficiency and Prosperity with Natural Capital (with Damania, R., Polasky, S., Ruckelshaus, M., Russ, J., Amann, M., Chaplin-Kramer, R., Gerber, J., Hawthorne, P., Heger, M., Mamun, S., Ruta, G., Schmitt, R., Smith, J., Vogl, A., Wagner, F.), 2023, The World Bank Group, Washington D.C.
- After Big Droughts Come Big Cities: Does Drought Drive Urbanization? (with Chlouba, V., & Mukim, M.), 2023, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper
- The impact of water quality on GDP growth: Evidence from around the world (with Russ, J., Desbureaux, S., Damania, R., Rodella, A.s.), 2022, Water Security
- Mapping global hotspots and trends of water quality (1992–2010): a data driven approach (with Desbureaux, S., Mortier, F., van Vliet, MTH., Russ, J., Rodella, AS., Damania, R.), 2022, Environmental Research Letters
- Ebb and Flow. Volume 1: Water, Migration, and Development (with Russ, J. Khan, A., Damania, R., Borgomeo, E., & Jägerskog, A.), 2021, Flagship Report, The World Bank Group, Washington, DC.
- Ebb and Flow. Volume 2: Water in the Shadow of Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa (with Borgomeo, E., Jägerskog, A., Russ, J. Khan, A., & Damania, R.), 2021, Flagship Report, The World Bank Group, Washington, DC.
- Epidemics, pandemics, and social conflict: Lessons from the past and possible scenarios for COVID-19 (with Jedwab, R., Khan, A., & Russ, J.), 2021, World Development.
- Rainfall anomalies are a significant driver of cropland expansion (with Russ, J. and Damania, R.), 2020, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
- Does Rainfall Matter for Economic Growth? Evidence from Global Sub-National Data (1990–2014) (with Damania, R., Desbureaux, S. ) , 2020, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
- The Nitrogen Legacy: The Long-term Effects of Water Pollution on Human Capital ( with Russ, J., Desbureaux, S., Damania, R., Rodella, A.S., Ribeiro, G.), 2020, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper
- Salt of the Earth: Quantifying the Impact of Water Salinity on Global Agricultural Productivity ( with Russ, J., Damania, R., Desbureaux, S., Escurra, J., Rodella, A.S.), 2020, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper
- Impact of green water anomalies on global rainfed crop yields (with Borgomeo, E., Khan, H. F., Heino, M., Kummu, M., Brown, C., & Jägerskog, A.), 2020, Environmental Research Letters
- The Impact of Water Access on Short-term Migration in Rural India (with Wrenn, D.H. and Fisher-Vanden, K.), 2020, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics [ungated version]
- Quality Unknown: The Invisible Water Crisis (with Damania, R., Desbureaux, S., Rodella, A.S., Russ, J.), 2019,
Flagship Report, The World Bank Group, Washington, DC. - Role of irrigation in changing wheat yields and heat sensitivity in India (with Lobell, D), 2019, Nature Communications
- Uncharted Waters: The New Economics of Water Scarcity (with Damania, R., Desbureaux, S., Hyland, M., Moore, S., Islam, A., Rodella, A.S., Russ, J.), 2017, Flagship Report, The World Bank Group, Washington, DC.
- Invisible water, visible impact: groundwater use and Indian agriculture under climate change (with Grogan, D., Frolking, S., Fisher-Vanden, K., Lammers, R.B., Wrenn, D.H., Prusevich, A., Nicholas, R.), 2016, Environmental Research Letters
Working Papers and Selected Work in Progress
- The Economic Significance of Green Water (under review) (with Damania, R.)
- Groundwater Depletion and Capital Accumulation: Evidence from India (under review) (with Blakeslee, D., Degois, M. Fishman, R.)
- Biodiversity, Water and the Economy (with Damania, R., Hora, T.)
- The Role of Irrigation in Local Development: Evidence from around the World (with Blakeslee, D., Fishman, R., Hora, T.)
- Socio-economic Impacts of Groundwater Depletion: A review of the evidence (with Fishman, R.)
- Indian Crop Yield Responsiveness to Weather Shocks and Modeling Decisions ( with D'Agostino, A.)